Q: Let me ask you a question, MARTH. I feel there is a common opinion in the world that wealthy people, or affluent people do something evil. Is it true? And I wonder if everyone will be a good person but become poor soon in the world…

Ha, ha, ha… It’s a very interesting question. Please excuse me for laughing!
First of all, all the awakened people who lived a life of oneness such as J. Krishnamurti, OSHO Rajneesh, Werner Erhard, Maharish Mahesh Yogi and many others are all beautiful and wealthy… OSHO had many jets and Rolls-Royce, too…
The problem is not about wealth. It may be a lack of oneness… What will happen to a person who lost his true quality of oneness, to a child of the whole universe who lost love? Everyone is naturally a child of God and an embodiment of love. Our true quality is as such. However, the people brought up in such environment where those premises are missing, when they seek after a fame, honor and money, they will naturally get funds and power with a value of separation…
As a result, they will lose true happiness and wonder why they are suffering… They will feel no bliss. They will cause troubles and problems to awaken themselves. Eventually, all their acts will be egoistic. They will ruin themselves because their acts don’t fit the universe and their true selves… Unfortunately, there is no doubt about it in the world of the divine loving essence…

Therefore, if you say, “All the wealthy people are evil”, there will be no people who want to be wealthy, nor will beautiful leaders be gone from the earth. Within such unfavorable criticisms, the people who want to succeed even still and try to become wealthy out of fear of the ego, will suffer with a sense of separation… As you mentioned, all the people of the pure and essential quality will neither want to become wealthy nor try to start a good business, when they are told “Wealth is bad”. I think this is the biggest tragedy for humanity…
We need to start ending the ego, return to the true self of oneness and love and live such a life. And they, who are of the New Age and of the spiritual and healing world, and who have trained themselves thoroughly should be deeply aware of the true self, act accordingly and become wealthy… Those people should launch a wonderful business, produce such products as to contribute to the true quality of human beings, become a manufacturer of incredible products, and become amazing doctors or civil servants, and become a businessman, a farmer and various other things of the incredible love and the quality of oneness…
The people who are awakening to the quality of oneness of love should create a beautiful world of oneness. If they work hard for it, true peace will be born to our planet. They should be wealthy for this reason… Having wealthy people around us should mean all the good things for us are created for our planet earth… Otherwise, the people who desperately seek for a status, fame, money and everything out of desires of the ego, by the self without a sense of oneness, without the true essence, will be mentally ill. And they will beat themselves and suffer because their true self is also love…
They insist to awaken them up as they are also children of God. And they will ruin themselves as they wish to return to the true self, to love… They will send them messages for waking themselves up, like Nobunaga did… as Alexander the Great did… However well you deceive you, you will ruin yourself if you act out of a value based on victory or defeat, fight and separation. You will be ruined by your own true self and love…

I found someone who claimed, “I’m O.K. because I am a devil” the other day. It’s not true, and he is not O.K. He just happened to learn it. In reality, however, there are only beings of quality of love on this planet… There is no devil but love (a child of God) that is not able to realize his true nature… Everyone is part of God, love and incredibly talented in reality. And we are born here with important mission of the whole universe. However, we are not aware of it.
Therefore, we live a life based on fights, competitions, separation and various other egoistic matters… This is the reason why we hate and eventually beat ourselves. I think the time will come when we finish it… when all the people awaken to their own love and divinity, return to their original self, thoroughly realize their true nature is love and create a beautiful world together. I think now must be such time for us. I believe a wonderful world will be realized… and incredibly beautiful lives and societies will surely be born to this planet…
And then, for the first time, we will discover wonderful artistic talents in us, which are unique to humanity, who has a different role from other animals… Our music will be quite different… It will be music to regain a sense of oneness for humanity, to take us back to love and to let us stay pure at heart… The same will be true to our architecture… It will be transformed to let us be connected as one… It will not be something out of a sense of separation of the ego that makes us win others, excel them, ruin them, attack them and so on.
Things to make all the people happy will be created. That is, the wealthier people are those who are wonderful and working hardest of all… The people who are not so wealthy may be those who haven’t developed their beautiful talents and powers given from God yet… Wonderful people will naturally become wealthy… And the wealth owned by the people who make them suffer with egoistic things within separation will eventually be replaced by something wonderful created by the beautiful people…

As my father was a public servant, I am a servant of the whole universe. And all the public servants of the world will create an incredibly good country, incredibly peaceful and safe country, an honest, fair country filled with beautiful hearts, where everything they do will be rewarded.
Artistic people of the beautiful heart, and the people of a country of the similar talent will engage themselves in art of oneness (of the true essence and love). The functionally good people like us Japanese will offer excellent functional beauty and functional quality to the world. I cannot but feel that incredibly healthy foods, wonderful medicine, something wonderful and healthy will be born so that we can live a truly happy life…

The people who are true to their original self, loving and regain a sense of oneness will create everything wonderful; develop every beautiful project including national ones. And we should even appreciate, support and encourage such incredible leaders of the world. Yes, we are about to see such a wonderful world open to us… Humanity will surely enter into a new era, and you are one of them. It doesn’t matter whether you haven’t lived as such in the past.
When you live with your true self, the heaven, God, the whole universe, nature or whatever you call it, everything beautiful will rejoice and support you…