Q: There are extremely terrible looking people in this world. I am very afraid of then. You say that everyone is a child of the universe, a child of God, of Love and connected as one. However, I don’t feel like it. What do you think about it, MARTH?
MARTH: There is no change that this world is connected as one, every possible thing including every life, every material (mineral), and so on is One being, love, and the true essence.
However, humanity has lived in a world of separation, where they cannot believe in it for a long time. Certainly, fear is enhanced within the separation. It is natural that the ego which comes from a separated sense of the self and the other, is boosted. Gradually enhancing a sense of separation between the self and the other will naturally produce a relationship between enemy and ally. The stronger it becomes, the more love we will lose. That is quite natural.
Naturally, some people lose much love, the quality of oneness, sense of safety, the true essence within the societies of separation, depending on their environment or status.
It is natural that people lose them when they have extremely bad experiences, feel pain and suffer within separation, or that their families and friends extremely believe in a value of separation.
It never means that they are neither love, nor God, nor true self, however. Because all of them are made of elementary particles. They are made of atoms and electrons. Everything is the ocean of oneness made of the photon. That is, they are all one being and love.
The issue is that they have difficulties in revealing themselves as such because they had such painful, harsh, and fearful experiences in the past that they cannot express the love, the true quality of themselves.
If you tell someone clearly, “I consider everything is connected as one, and love in this way. I see you as a person of love in the same way as well” he may reveal it to you.
What if you are apart from people who look others within fear and the sense of separation and too careful, however? Unless you open the true self, it will be more difficult for him to open himself.
Then, both of you will never meet the child who is of love as well, of the true essence and of God.
If you meet someone who lives in such way, you may love him. On the other hand, if you live within such a sense of the true essence, he may love you.
If both of you have feelings of mistrust with each other, it will never happen. If one of you has such an essential quality, it will never happen unless he or you expresses it. Because people in fear certainly see each other with mistrust.
Unless you have courage to express yourself, he may not be able to catch it. If you express how you think, how you live, and how much you are determined to pursue love after he catches it, he may say it is too early for him to live as such and he hates to do so. That’s all right.
He will recognize what you express and how you live because he is a child of love (God), in reality. If he feels that he is not ready yet, he doesn’t like it, or he doesn’t feel so now, he may convey it to you. That’s all right. You neither have to make you look strong, nor to make you look aggressive, great, somebody, and so on. All you need to do is to live in love. All you need is to always express how you live. I always convey it to everybody.
If people say, “Ah! MARTH has such an idea. He is a wimp person. He doesn’t get along well. MARTH is in favor of love. He considers the world as such”, that’s fine. They don’t have to agree with me. They don’t have to live their lives as such. They don’t have to be friendly with me. If they think, “I don’t think so. I don’t catch it as such”, that’s fine.
That’s fine if they feel it too early for them or not ready for it. You don’t have to express a value of separation, either. You don’t have to conform yourself to their value. You don’t have to pretend to be tough. If you realize it as such, you need to live as such.
I have lived my life expressing myself as such. It’s OK that your friends, who believe in separation, say you are a horrible man. They should not misunderstand me.
He is such fellow, but I don’t want to live like him. I will not live a life like his. I don’t trust him. That’s fine. And if you can trust the universe, oneness, love, and true essence of humanity, you should express them. That’s what I am conveying to you. Your world will change as you express it.
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