4th animation film by Marth -Tears of mu-

-Tears of mu-
Abram walks in tears in the desert,
leaving his hometown where he cannot live with love …
In his hand, he dragged and walked
a cane bearing the emblem of Mu,
which later became known as the cane of Aaron…
Heading to Canaan in the desert
Sumer, the land of Naacal,
aiming for a country of harmony
The story begins with the sadness of being unable to
live with the love of the priest…
The leaders and the people who abandoned harmony
and love destroyed the beloved Mu because of their domination.
And they perished…
Ra mu’s tears and Abraham’s tears
The tears of Moses, Isaiah, and Jesus were the same …
It is such a sad story…
Following Isaiah’s Will
An Epic Spectacular Historical Romance
Can’t people live on love?
Tears of mu

Letter From Isaiah https://letterfromisaiah.com/
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/MARTHTVMovie/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/marthhealing
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/marth_healing/
Twitter https://twitter.com/marthhealing
InsightTimer https://insighttimer.com/hawaiihealingmusic