- Towani
Human illusions have been polluting the space which we call the world.
We have forgotten that we are unknown
we have ignored that we live in the unknown;
we have not seen through Oneness of the whole creation,
we have forgotten that we are not in this world, nor in this time,
nor in this place and nor are we anybody…
A part of the unknown called “I” wrote it as poetry.Click here to Buy Music - Utsukushiki
The beauty lies not in a division. To know is to divide.
It is the greatest wisdom to see that we are amongst the unknowable at this moment.
This understanding will heal the world and the people
and let this planet shine the brightest and the most beautiful star.
Click here to Buy Music - Hatenaki
When I think of the very end of what we call the universe,
I feel that it goes on eternally and endlessly.
The beginning of the universe also endlessly goes back to the further past as the end of the universe never ceases to exist.
The same is true with the microcosmic world.
In other words, this place at this moment, in reality, is such an immeasurable, mystical space.
Whatever we humankind try to name it, it is such an unknown (not dividable) space.
If there is something similar to such eternity, I may say it is a dream we see.
In a dream, everything will continue eternally. That’s why the wise men said that the world is like a dream from the ancient times.Click here to Buy Music - Muku
Babies are adorable because they live in the unknown…
Wild animals look noble and beautiful because they haven’t lost their mystical quality…
We still owned such qualities in our childhood We were enclosed in a warm sunny space of peacefulness.
The truth is most important for all of us, which is an awareness
that we are in unknown, mystical, vast and magnificent place here and now.
It is an awareness of oneness where there is no life nor death.
Children are more relaxed and peaceful because they have fewer divisions.
A peaceful person cannot but love touching moments of which no words can describe.
Our bodies grow older by age, however, those who have little divisions will stay young in spite of their physical age.Click here to Buy Music - Setsunaki
People wish to live beyond death. However, we may not be living in reality…
People will start to realize some day
that they have no idea where, when and who they are
as if awaken from drunkenness…
All the beautiful people will experience it.Click here to Buy Music - Haruka
If I am asked what a healing truly is,
I will say, it is something naturally be there
when we humankind lives by following a scientific reality…
In other words, I can say that there will be no healing
when such scientific truths are concealed.
Then, if asked what a real quality of science is,
I will say that the truth of the world where we live is unknown, mystical, immeasurable, tremendous, eternal, imperceptible, un-dividable,
even doubtful to call “this world” reality and something unfathomable of oneness…
It is a magnificent spiritual world which we will never understand…Click here to Buy Music - Michinaru
However much we destroy everything out of our illusions,
the unknown will never disappear.
We cannot eliminate the mystical.
We will continue to be in the magnificent space now.
The beauty will be there eternally,
and the truly scientific reality will never disappear.
Therefore, the truth is that love will always win.Click here to Buy Music - Minamoto
If we lose our five senses,
we will immediately lose a division or a feeling of separation from the whole
and feel all the beings are nothing but ourselves.
If we find something marvelous for which we forget words,
we will be embraced by something magnificent and mystical.
The truth is always there even if we try to avoid it,
and both of them are something wonderful and beautiful…Click here to Buy Music - Shinpi
We yearn for something magnificent, something mystical, something overwhelming for which we lose words to describe.
That is a very natural desire and also a crucial quality of us.
Names and meanings are very convenient for us to live by, so are our five senses.
However, all these conveniences simultaneously deprive us of a sense of oneness to nature or the whole beings.
Also, they keep us from experiencing a real aspect of the universe, which is something unknown and mystical. Therefore, we yearn for something that deprives us of words.
What we call the universe have no boundaries. Like in our dreams, it goes on and on forever, and we can move on endlessly,
and space we humankind call a reality is made of something like a dream.
Therefore, it will become smaller and smaller and continue to be bigger and bigger;
it will extend even further however far we go back to the past, and however far we go ahead to the future, which is a proof that the world is a dream-like mystical space.Click here to Buy Music - Hakanaki
When we lose our beloved, we will become totally shocked,
falling into tremendous grief, love, and despair.
Please do not worry, however,
We are eternally and scientifically one to the beloved, united in the mystical forever
and living together in eternal and magnificent journeys.Click here to Buy Music - Yasuragi
Far back in childhood, an awareness was there…
the peacefulness of being one to the whole beings,
although pushed aside from your memories
That is a space where we are born out of,
where we take a journey back,
and where we become aware that we have been there all the way…Click here to Buy Music - Shizukesa
A real progress in our future science lies in a conversion of original background of our consciousness
by asking ourselves where and when we are, although it is called this world or this life,
or who we truly are when we stop naming and start seeing things out of a dividing viewpoint of the self and the other.
We will find a real science will be built and studied on a base of awareness (awakening)
that the world is tremendously mystical, unknown,
which nobody knows where, immeasurable, not knowing up and down, right or left,
like a dream, and that I am also an unknown being,
and names of myself and my family, my nationality are nothing but labels given by other human beings.Click here to Buy Music