Q: I came to think the biggest problem in this world is a separation while I was listening to you.


Q: I have a question for you, MARTH. I came to think the biggest problem in this world is a separation while I was listening to you. Would you please talk further details?

You are right. However, the more serious problem than that of a separation is everything in this world is connected as one… You may be surprised to hear that, but it is the truth…

If this world is connected as one, we cannot judge something that seems other, even if it is evil… To judge someone evil, to judge something bad, in fact, everyone judges something in various ways… We are fighting with something within ourselves…

You may be judging various kind of things such as sufferings and pains in your childhood, or your enemy, rival and so on… Or someone who never loves you… someone who treats you harshly… you are judging somebody or something within you, and you may think you are just… Criminals also judge others because of the childhood pains… If there are truly bad people, and if such an simple idea to catch them as my father did at the Tokyo District Public Prosecutor’s Office in Ministry of Justice is enough, our state power could manage them somehow. However, it is very difficult as we are connected as one…

That is because everything is connected as one, and everything is us. And when we judge someone, whom we believe other, with justice, we may end up in getting a feedback from it. And it doesn’t matter whether the one who judges is a great judge or not.

Therefore, what is truly troublesome is that the people such as Nobunaga, Attila the Great and Genghis Khan, who may have destroyed others because of justice, because of love, had to destroy themselves… because they harmed others who are connected as one with them. I wonder if it is most troublesome.

Many people believe and say, “It is O. K. to destroy them as they are to blame. It is O. K. to diminish them, attack them and kill them. “or “I am a justice. I am right. They are not worth living.”

I used to be a trainer of a self-help seminar in my youth and watched hundreds of thousands of people return to their original self… No doubt the true nature of human beings is love… I’m quite sure about it. It is not a question whether human nature is fundamentally good or bad. I really had witnessed the scientific facts. There were no people whose true nature was not love. Perhaps animals, trees, flowers and everything are part of love, and they are made of love… Human beings are naturally the same, too.

And what closes and covers the true nature of the suffering people is their conflicts and pains in childhood… If they consider they are right from such a point of view, they will end up destroying themselves who look others as the other is the self in the world of oneness.

Therefore, this is incredibly troublesome. Justice doesn’t always function in this world. Each one of us has difference kind of justice. What we think justice varies according to our home environments, our point of views and standpoints. We need to have truly deep and neutral awareness to recognize true justice. We honestly need to return to love. Only the people who regain their true self can find out what is considered to be really bad. Otherwise, they will do nothing but reactions. Most of us continue fighting with people who look others, whom we believed as evil according to our reaction and repellence in our childhood. At that time, however, we will destroy ourselves… When we harm the people who look others, we will get a godly punishment. We call it “bachi” in Japan...

It seems some leaders think that humans are not necessary for nature and animals and they should be diminished. However, if we destroy humans, who are connected as one, the ones who destroy their fellow humans will be in trouble… They will lose true wealth, true prosperity, true joy and happiness…

What I want to convey you most is that people are the beautiful embodiment of love, something magnificent, beautiful and loving. I saw people return to their original self of love for many years as a trainer of a self-help seminar in my youth. I saw millions of people had love in their original nature. the person himself may not know it. I want to convey it because it is true, although the person himself may not know it. And love fills our true being so much it will never allow us to stray from it…

I heard a leader of some big country talking on the internet the other day. “To be wealthy is convenient and good in various points. Before talking of having money or being wealthy, however, a man’s happiness cannot be measured if there is no peace and no love within a family.” I agree with him completely.

Our true nature is oneness, and everyone has his true nature of love. When we live with it, whether we have money or not, whether we have status, fame or not, doesn’t matter. We will be happy in spite of their presence or absence… Human happiness lies in regaining the quality of oneness in this sense. However, the quality of oneness may cause a great problem. The ideas that we will destroy the evil, we will beat the people who seem others, may spoil ourselves.

Therefore, if we want to live in the world of love, of oneness, which is our true self, we need to stop judging anything resulting from separations and conflicts… It is wrong to say, “They are bad. It is O. K. to cheat them, rob them and take them. “ This is what will spoil you. You will be damaged… You will get a godly punishment. You will get what we call “bachi” in Japan then. Who will give it to you? Is it God? No, it is your true self… your love of the higher dimension… It is called “Higher Self” in New Age term. It is also called non-self, Atman. Atman is the whole existence. It has a quite different point of view from that of our ego system. Therefore, we human beings suffer…

You may wish to live your life with peace, happiness and love… and you may think, “So, I will destroy my enemy, the evil. I will destroy people who I consider evil for me. “ However, it doesn’t work. Our planet earth has become the one of pains as many people who destroy each other live there… It is a problem of our strong belief that it is O. K. to destroy people who seem others, O. K. to tell a lie as they are bad, O. K. to cheat them and attack them. However, your universe doesn’t accept it. Atman, which is nothing but divine, and your true self have only a value of oneness. You should live like fish that can only live in the ocean. You should live like animals that can only live on land. You will spoil yourself if you ignore and oppose your true self of love and divinity.

Some people of religion try to destroy other religion as they think the other religion is wrong. I’m not saying the other religious people are not wrong. If you destroy them, even if they are wrong, you will get a divine punishment, who are the one who considers yourself as just. And, naturally, these other people will spoil them if they destroy, cheat and attack people. Therefore, we need to master the value of love of oneness. I don’t mean to tell you that you should be a good person.

I mean, that is to protect our love, the true love, which is our true quality and connected as one, and divine. I’m talking about protecting our divinity. It is never good for you to think of destroying others for that purpose. Both of the people, who say “I will destroy them because they are bad.” and who try to control them will surely suffer and destroy themselves… It’s not only that. We will live in a stressful and painful world even though we are not destroyed yet. We will have to live with much violence, annoyed by yakuza or mafia and threatening each other.

You may be killed. You may be threatened. You may have to live in such a bad environment. You may think of committing suicide or falling into various other troubles. I don’t want you to live as such. As far as our true quality is love, we need to realize that we should live with love, with our true self. Everybody’s goal in life is to find the true self. Fish needs to realize the water. You need to awaken to the quality of your true home and live in it. Then, you will be living in the true prosperity and true success… Everyone living on this planet has the same goal. That is to return to Atman, return to love, to eternity and live in it… then, such a life will make you happy and do you good…

If you think of destroying others and destroy them, you will spoil yourself, however right or just you are…  In other words, as soon as you lose the ideas of destroying others, you will live in a peaceful world… It is a world of love… It may be the true Sennen Okoku (the millennium). It is a world where the people have profound consciousness and never think of invading the homeland of others to destroy them… I feel to educate people so that they know the true self, and there will be no people who judge and take for the cause of love, will realize the true peace, and is love…

Therefore, the problem is not only a separation, as you mentioned, but also that our universe, our divinity will suffer and feel painful when we believe in a sense of separation as we are, in reality, connected as one, and we feel like blaming or destroying ourselves. This is also a problem.

Unless this world is connected as one, unless people have beautiful quality, they will feel all right however hard they fight. There may be no one who kills himself if so. I think there will be no one who warn us about our wars and conflicts unless our true self is love and connected as one…  We will warn us when we do something that doesn’t fit our true quality, and we will destroy ourselves.

Moses said, “Never cheat nor attack others who are connected as one with us.” He told us not to do it… Only the part about oneness and love may have been missing… In a sense, the world of oneness is harsh. In such world, a sense of separation from other is fatal. And you will suffer only because of it… I wonder if this prevents us from straying from the world of love…

It doesn’t matter whether you are rich or poor, whether you have a status, fame or not. What is more important than that is to live without conflicts, fights and separation within the world of oneness, and to treasure your true self of oneness. Otherwise, everybody will suffer. Life itself will lose joy, bliss and love.

So many people have never met their true quality of love. Our planet earth is filled with the people who have lost bliss and joy to live with the true self in the world of love… In other words, this is a world of what we call “bachi” in Japan… That’s reason why we suffer.

We can live with beautiful experiences. Humanity will be able to live an incredibly wonderful life, filled with love, beyond death… We will be able to live a life filled with joy and happiness… That is when we are free from a sense of separation and loved by the true self, the self of the higher dimension. When we are separated, our true self will send us a message. There is neither love nor joy within our hearts then…

All of us have to give up a value of separation if we have learned it from our parents. It is O. K. to succeed something wonderful coming from love that your parents told you. However, you will see that you should not succeed a value of separation such as conflicts, sufferings, hates. That’s because it doesn’t fit your beautiful true self, which the whole universe has… You may not live a happy life because of it… If you fight with strong fellows, with someone great, with the wealthy people, never to lose according to your childhood decision caused by a sense of separation and conflicts, you will suffer and fall into something evil.

I’m not telling you to be a good person.  Your true self tells you to truly realize it and lead a good life. It is a message from the universe, from Atman and from your true self that you should live a wonderful life, a life filled with love, a happy life and attract everything wonderful.

And I have told you everyone, all the beings are connected as one, love, and divine in its nature… Therefore, even if they make such excuses as they will not lose their light, nor love as they don’t destroy others themselves, it will not work that way… It is natural that the people who have such values will lose happiness first of all, they will live the most painful life and suffer most… They will psychologically live in the hell even though they are physically wealthy.

The reason for this is that their true nature is God and love however strongly they deny it. They may call themselves a devil… In reality, however, their true quality is love. Therefore, they will give themselves a punishment. They will judge them. Unless they are God or love, they will not do something like judging themselves… God does not judge them, but their higher self is the whole universe. Their higher self is Atman… That is, they will never forgive them who have become separate and ugly. They will try to regain the original self…

I want you to live shining brightly with your true quality, not against it. Then, you will find a life itself will be wonderful, and your family, ancestors, descendents and everyone will be happy. You will be truly wealthy. And it may be good that you become a king at that time… Even if you are not a king but a general citizen, you will be happy…

I want you to be happy. I want you to live happily so that you will neither cheat others, nor fight with them, nor judge them, nor control them, therefore, nor judge yourself, nor give you a punishment, without any conflicts, without any separation, in this world of love in its original nature. I want you to be happy with all my heart…

We have been familiar with the word, “karma” since the ancient times. That means ideas or notions. To have an idea of oneness will be wonderful and loving. However, I could not say having an idea of separation is good… That is because it comes from our fear. If we can convey the ideas of oneness to our children, the family will flourish very much, become very happy and  spiritually rich forever and lead a life of love…

On the other hand, however, if we convey ideas of separation, conflicts, fights and so on to our children, they are likely to spoil themselves because of such sense of separation, pains, sufferings, conflicts and fights which are out of tune with their true quality…

The word, karma is not a New Age term. It is nothing but an idea. Therefore, it is incredibly wonderful to have values and ideas of oneness, instead of the ideas coming from separation..