Q: Let me ask you a question, MARTH. I think the world is in a great turmoil… It seems we human beings have reached limits in the existing way of life. How can we make the world better? How can we realize peace in the world?
First of all, we need to change our values by knowing what is profitable and what is not for ourselves (part of the existence) in reality. Certainly, the best way is that we will live together with love and joy by diminishing our value of separation of the ego, increasing peacefulness in a sense of oneness and gradually losing a sense of interests of the ego, which is an illusion.
However, we human beings are made to believe in a value of separation seriously. Simply speaking, separation means the ego (boosting the ego).
Human beings and animals have come to understand a limited range as the self because of five senses given by God for our conveniences. And giving everything a name has brought us a sense of separation.
In fact, everything in the entire universe is us. We, part of the existence, are given five senses to bear different part. Eventually we feel a certain range is the self. We manage to live in the universe, considering we bear a certain range, role, and responsibility of the self. It is not bad in itself. It is also true, however, that we will strengthen a sense of separation because of this understanding.
Therefore, we are likely to forget the real truth, which is different from our five senses and a sense of separation, that we are connected as one, unknown and mystical. We may lose such scientific truth of the world completely. Unless we remember the truth of oneness, nor we try to learn it, it may be lost…
It’s amazing how things work out in the universe. It will not work as we think. The universe created our five senses with which we are likely to separate and even let us separate. However, as soon as we (part of the universe) act or move separately, it will give us a hard time to awaken us. Such built-in mechanism of the universe will not give us a verbal message. It is quite troublesome.
We need to be always aware of Atman, being one and connected, unknown and mystical to protect us, which is part of the existence. If we seriously believe in the ego and act according to it, have a value of competition, comparison and conflict, we will fall into a hard time because of an awakening message from the universe. It has been happening to us since the ancient times… We have engaged ourselves in believing in the ego, protecting it, preserving it and boosting it without knowing such mechanism of the universe.
However, the universe doesn’t care at all. It doesn’t mind whether we humans believe in the ego and become worse. It doesn’t mind whether someone tries to boost the ego, protect it, has various ambitions, desires and aspirations. The universe will just give us a hard time when it happens. Then, we, part of the whole universe, will be stunned, say, “Wow! No, this doesn’t work! I was wrong. It’s painful. I’m not happy at all. Oh, no! This is not a good idea. Please forgive me” and return to the selflessness. This is a mechanism to make the ego to diminish, and dejected.
Therefore, we will have a hard time if we don’t realize the mechanism of the universe. “Why doesn’t everything work out? I should have succeeded. I should have won.” However, everything will not work out as expected as ambitions of the ego don’t fit the whole universe. The ego is a separation. It doesn’t fit the principle of oneness of the universe. The universe will give us a hard time. And, we are the universe ourselves. “If God doesn’t find me, if the universe doesn’t find me, it will be no problem. I can deceive them…” However, we are the universe (love). We are part of God. We are part of the whole universe. That is, we as God will find us deceive them. Everybody is the same without partiality.
In other words, people who realize oneness of the universe, its unknown and mystical quality, love themselves who seem others, neither fight with themselves who seem others, nor boost the ego, nor protect the ego, nor deceive people, nor trap them, nor attack them, will be quickly happy. And people of the pure heart who work for the whole universe will be beautiful and feel true prosperity and happiness… This is how the cosmic law works. However, most of human beings haven’t realized it yet. They don’t know it deeply. This is the reason why they will have a hard time.
What if humanity will know the law itself? At present, humanity doesn’t know it very well. They believe in the ego, become highly ambitious, try to get a fame, honor, boost the ego, protect it, deceive others, attack them, and take from them. Believing it works in the egoistical society, people praise themselves, “I have become so great… I am so awesome!!” At that time, however, the universe will start working. He is the universe himself… He is part of God… If he says, “Nobody is watching me!” You are watching yourself, however. You are God himself.
And the universe is meant only to work that way. It is satisfied with it. We are given five senses to fix us (part of the existence) by ourselves (part of the existence), to bear us by ourselves. However, if we believe in the separation seriously and consider the part as the self, we will have a hard time. They (five senses) are given to us for our mere convenience. They are only functions. It is only that each part bears each different part.
nd we have each different characteristic as children of the universe. Everybody has magnificent abilities given from gods, the universe and love. However, if we use it not for the universe, nor the whole, but for the ego, and if we try to excel others, deceive them, attack them with a sense of separation, we will end our days in unhappiness.
Even if you say, “I’ve got a position and honor! I am great!”, you may ruin yourself in pain. Or if you live for the ego, saying, “I will rebel those in power! I will abandon my job, seclude myself in the riverbed or home, and live freely!”, your wonderful ability given from the universe will be wasted and definitely destroyed as its retaliation.
We have had rulers such as Shin Huang-ti, Attila, Alexander the Great, Nobunaga Oda and many others in our history. Maybe kings only will count thousands. There will be more people who live as a hermit on the riverbed than them. All the kings and people wasted their treasures given from the universe without using them for the entire being, and they had the same hard experience. However, most of human beings haven’t realized its mechanism yet. The ancient people called it a divine punishment or twinge of conscience, but nobody cares about it. I cannot but feel humanity will be able to realize a truly peaceful, loving and beautiful world for the first time when we realize the mechanism deeply and learn about it without giving it up…
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