Q: We have learned that we will perish if we lose in this world, we will be useless and attacked if we lose. However, your talk sounds opposite to me. Would you talk in details?
You are right. I am talking about the opposite… Desires of the ego such as the ego wins, the ego improves, the ego benefits, the ego, the partial self are all against love, which is the true nature of humanity. To be in harmony with the existence… we call it “Wa-suru (to harmonize)” in Japan..
It is not about the self, which is part of the existence, not to stand out itself. When we let the self become smaller, so that it doesn’t benefit, it doesn’t win, it doesn’t excel. In other words, when we treasure others and stop things such as we take from them, rob them, attack them, destroy them, kill them, we will finally return to our innate original self… It is said we will truly flourish, and the self; part of the existence will truly win, benefit and improve, and that everything will be wonderful then… We call it “wa-suru (to harmonize)” in Japan.
When we are in harmony, when we don’t boost the self or the ego, the whole universe will support us and everything goes smoothly. This is the benefit of “Wa-suru (to harmonize)” and its value. I feel the ancient Isaiahnagit, the people of the Jomon-era and those of Mu had the same value…
And I think our country had such culture and civilization in the ancient times. Japanese are considered to be peculiar by the people who value competitions and separation. And it seems they may not to be aware that they are descendents who have such values at all… I also didn’t know it until just recently. On the contrary, I was not interested in it at all.
Now, I understand many things, including the secrets of this country… And why have we lost important things? I wonder if it is because of the values based on competition, comparison and separation such as the self, which is part of the whole existence, benefit, the self wins, and so on. It is called individualism which came from the civilization of the separated self. Then, we will be attacked by Atman, the true self, the gods, the divine, which are the whole existence, and everything to “awaken”… Our hope for the prosperity of the self (part of the existence) will be interrupted, and our ambitions of the ego, desires, expectations and everything will be destroyed…
This value has been conveyed as a folklore in Japan… I wonder if such values can be found in many places in the world. That’s because the self is an illusion, and so is a separation. They don’t exist in reality. The victory of the self, which is part of the existence, is an illusion… The victory is always for the whole universe… Love always exists in the whole universe. When we live as the part of the whole universe, in other words, when we live with non-self, the self, which is truly part of the existence and each part of the existence will become wealthy, prosper, and make a sustainable success… That is the law of the universe. However, it has become difficult for us to realize it as we human beings are conditioned with a sense of separation.
Our societies made of such value that the self, part of the whole existence, should win ought to be as such. Unless we see through it, our happiness, joy, development and success of the self, which is part of the whole existence, may be impossible.. This is how I feel.
If we, the self, which is part of the existence, have such desires as we want to win, become a great person and so on, everything will be completely opposite… We have such a proverb in Japan; “Never expect (the ego) to win. You will lose if you expect.” We need to add the words, such as, “the ego” or “the self (as part of the existence)” to it. Without such value of separation, people will become incredibly amazing, and they will be great leaders within true love and sense of safety…
On the other hand, if you become a leader based on the illusion of the separated and boosted ego, you may create a destructive society and destroy yourself… I think you’d better not be as such… There is true happiness in this world. Therefore, if we tell juvenile delinquents and problem children that they don’t have to win, they don’t have to benefit and it is all right to “harmonize”, they will return to their original beautiful quality…
I am fortunate enough to have been brought up under such upbringing and in such environment since childhood. I came to know such self-help trainings in my youth, and have been familiar with them ever since. I also have examined scientifically. I cannot but feel there will be a great future for this planet earth. That is because I profoundly realize that we have only chosen a wrong path due to our illusions of the separated ego… I think humanity will bring themselves the great experiences if the world goes for the direction of the true quality…
Unfortunately, we are living in the societies where we believe in separation… Everybody is trying to win over others who is truly the self, beat them, excel them, fight with them, and improve the self, try to become a great person. This is so sad.
I’m sorry that the people of the world are believing in it and suffering within cultures of separation, in the societies where the mass media value the separation…
In the ancient times in Japan, in the time called Jomon, people treasured “wa-suru (to harmonize)”, the quality of oneness and that everything in this world is divine. Such era has continued for tens of thousands of years in peace… The civilization may have been called Mu, or it may have been named Jomon by the modern men. In either way, it was a civilization of “wa-suru (to harmonize)”.
We may look separated as each individual. However, the ancient people considered the world that every substance is connected as one, everything is made of the same things, everything is connected as one, in other words, everything in this world is children of God like cells in our body, and like every cell is ourselves.
However, it is truly a scientific fact. Humanity will discover it through science soon. Or, there may be many people who have found it already. They may have not been able to reveal it because of their fear for the societies.
It is often the case that athletes, scholars and students feel fruitless, painful or think something is wrong with them when they win. The people who appreciate them are only the ones who had been suffering from the inability to win or their fans. I think this is a proof that they are the children of the whole universe, the children of love, and the children of Atman…
The whole universe never accepts that the ego, the self (as part of the existence) wins, excels others. Love never accepts it. Maybe this is the answer to it. The reason why you feel fruitless when you win or excel others is because you are God, love and something beautiful. I wonder if your love, which is your true nature, warns you by making you useless when you destroy or harm others… I think humanity will go into a completely new realm when we prove it scientifically.
In other words, we will not be able to create beautiful and incredible societies and civilizations, nor be able to live in an inspiring world without it… I cannot but feel the lesson for all of us is whether we can regain our innate quality, return to live with the true essence for these several years.
And you don’t have to believe in such value as MARTH tells you… There may be some people who try to examine it. I am only dreaming a dream of the beautiful and peaceful world realized on this planet earth in the future.
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