Q:Dear MARTH, isn’t it good that we strengthen the ego, get enlightened, and become great?
When we boost the ego or strengthen it, do we really get better? And or, how about that we reflect on us or feel sorry for others, saying, “I hurt my mom and dad’s feeling. I’m sorry I didn’t take much care of them.” “I feel sorry I didn’t love my children enough. ““I am sorry I had been defiant to my friends, to my boss, to my teacher, to everyone”? In other words, this is when we have a small ego (sense of separation). Which is happier and comforting for us, that is, when our ego is destroyed, or when we boost the ego and strengthen it?
Let us call it a way to live life. Which way to live life will bring us a beautiful future? Is it when we praise ourselves, saying, “I am strong. I am great. I will not lose. I will win.” Or, is it when we reflect on us, “I ruined everything. I am very sorry. I want to apologize to my father and mother. I am sorry for my friends and comrades. “Which way to live a life is consciousness of God, of love, of the whole universe and of purity? Which is able to bring us a beautiful future?
In a self-help seminar where we witness the self, we say, “What it is in the state of beginning will be there in the future.” If we keep the primary consciousness, we will realize such being exist in future. In other words, if we act out of fear or of bad intention, we will see a bad result in future. In this sense, is a state of our consciousness better when we boost the ego, feel uplifted, become self-conceited, and get irritated? Or, is our energy better when we end the ego (a sense of separation), return to the original small self or to the one source, get grounded, reflect on ourselves, ask ourselves, “I am sorry. I should have helped them. I should have supported them. I should have done this or that”, reflect inwardly and feel sorry for our mistakes and so on?
And I dare to tell you that we are love, consciousness of a child of God, and the whole universe, which is the true quality of humanity only when we reflect on ourselves without boosting the ego, or uplifting it. And when we live with such awareness, we will see the present world beautiful. We return to love, the true essence, when we end the ego.
We can see the world as darkness. At that time, we boost the ego; feel excited, thus we are fearful. As the ego is strengthened, fear will be bigger. A sense of separation is a sense of fear. When we reflect on ourselves, feel sorry, and our ego is diminished, we will see everyone is loving in fact whether we ride on a train or walking on the street. It is what comfort really means.
There are pains and sadness when we, children of love, of God, of the whole universe neither can live in love, nor live as the whole being, nor love and be loved, and we live pretending to be tough, pretending to be all right, walking the street with chest out. We, the children of God, cannot live as such…
hen we see our sadness with such standpoint of view, when we are pure enough to reflect on ourselves, “I haven’t been able to live in love, I fought with my friends again, I tried not to lose pretending to be tough again, I felt defiant to my rival as always today”, we will be able to return to bliss in fact.
That is love and consciousness of a child of God. That is in reality the true essence of humanity. When we are there, we are happy. We will see the world beautiful. Therefore, uplifting the ego, boosting it and protecting it will not be good for the beautiful world, for the world of love and comfort.
I mean to say the true essence of this world is oneness. It is connected as one, love, selflessness. It is also that we are not part but the whole. We are incredibly unknown and mystical. This is the true quality of the world. If you boost the ego, assert yourself and protect yourself in the world of oneness, your happiness, as part of the existence, will be damaged. Humanity doesn’t know it very well.
If you say; “No, I won’t be a loser. I, I, I will win! I’ll be good! I’ll be great!”, you will put yourself into darkness, to an obstacle race. It is because that is against your quality of love. If you boost the ego, you will lose the quality of oneness. Love means being connected as one. And you will find peace, happiness, success, prosperity and everything in love. If you lose love, and if you boost the ego, assert yourself, protect the ego and do everything to strengthen the ego, you, as a cell, are not it, but strangely and drastically stand out. It means you have become a cancer cell or a tumor.
Humanity must sincerely realize it and learn about it. It is not important to boost the ego or to make a cell bigger. It will eventually become a cancer or a bad cell. Therefore, the reason why you don’t see the world loving and beautiful is because you have identified yourself with the ego. It is not because of outer factors. It is nothing but that you have been able to see sadness not to live in love.
When you, as a cell, bear the entire being yourself, or return to part of the whole, when you reflect yourself that you haven’t done so, feel sad and sorry about it, when the ego is finished, you will return to love for the first time. We need to know its secret. Then, we will find true prosperity, true joy and true success waiting for us…
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