Q: I love the lyrics of “Love Grows When Losing”. How did you create it, MARTH?
MARTH: All of us are born to the beautiful world of the love of oneness. We may create what we call the ego with five senses and languages in our childhood. We, who come from the unknown, mystical, and all connected world, may gradually have a sense of separation in this world. The self and the other. In a sense, it may be a little sad event for us to slowly separate us from the world of oneness. And the sense of separation may be nothing but a kind of illusion. In reality, everything may be within the ocean of oneness, and eternally selfless as enlightened people often say.
The separation between the self and the other may be a sad illusion in reality, and everything may be one being eternally connected as one. Also, everything in this world may be a dream of the one being. I could say that this world is a dream of a subject of incredibly beautiful creation, in reality. We could also say that humanity is given an ability to create each individual life with each thought.
In any way, we will learn various things and items to protect the ego and the self in our lives. We may worry, to try our best, and learn various things day by day so that we are neither attacked nor beaten, not killed within the societies of sadness filled with a value of separation.
Will it become heavier and like an armor day by day? I wrote a piece of poetry that said life is like climbing up a hill with a heavy burden in the past. We will create boosting of ego daily, as we are stray of the truth of oneness. Various things which we collect to protect the ego may be useless in reality.
And they are quite heavy. Sadness coming from status, fame, qualification, power, reputations, and the burdens made by various things may be considered more inevitable than anything in our lives. When we lose them, however, we may also have a sense of relief and feel incredible beauty and comfort.
To have a sense of the self will generate psychological time. if the psychological time is there, we will lose beautiful and tremendous bliss, which is like an original privilege of the universe, of Shinga, of one being.
On the contrary, to have the ego will be to lose the joy of oneness. To lose the ego, or to love something that protects the ego may be to get a sense of oneness and love. That may be more important than anything in our lives.
It has been said that we will return to love, to the true essence, to peacefulness, to the true self, and to Shinga when we are to let go of a load and release something unnecessary. That is called selflessness and also return to Shinga, to return to the one source.
I merely have tried to convey it to you through my music and poetry.
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